Ha ha, Chrissy! His name is Dara (spelling may be wrong) and he's from Cambodia and he's decent enough - at school a lot and sleeps in (so William must be wery, wery quiet in the mornings) but the + is I can wrap up business (like keeping track of budget) at night. How are you, Jesse, and the now three girls?
(Photograph by Susan Dumais: any faults are the responsibility of the subject.) "Critiquing Obsession" is the title of an essay I presented at the 6th Annual Undergraduate Central Massachussetts Shakespeare Conference in the spring of '07.
A sketch only - what else can one do with only 1200 characters? (What follows is a survey of my personal philosophy, my faith, and my political views.) Considering Nietzche's assertion that one can define another's philosophy by whether he or she says yes or no to life, I give a hearty "yes!" I have come to formulate the hypothesis that ethical functioning arises from healthy living. I believe the future of man rests upon our ability to ultimately eliminate the negatives of dividing ourselves into "other" groups while still retaining the positive benifits of feeling part of an "in" group. I have my own daily experience of the divine but feel no need to label this experience or prove its existence objectively. But this experience (or relationship) supports me, inspires me, and continuously guides me toward healthy living and mutually beneficial fellowship. I believe how we spend our dollars is a more effective form of voting than going to voting booths (though that responsibility and right should not be skirted). I believe a capitalist economy with a few socialist "safeguards" (primarily access to education and health-care) is practical and ideal.
Hopefully friend
Ha ha, Chrissy! His name is Dara (spelling may be wrong) and he's from Cambodia and he's decent enough - at school a lot and sleeps in (so William must be wery, wery quiet in the mornings) but the + is I can wrap up business (like keeping track of budget) at night. How are you, Jesse, and the now three girls?
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